While there were once days where I’d refuse to the leave the house without make-up, those teenage tantrums are long gone and I’ve become probably too comfortable with my standards of presentation outside the house. If I do have to wear make-up, I like to keep it as quick and painless as possible, so I’ve managed to get the routine down to 7 minutes or so while still creating the eye-opening effect that those of us with Asian heritage strive so hard for (lols).
Like all of us these days, my Instagram might suggest otherwise, so I try to keep myself in check by breaking up all the more polished, dressed up photos with some #bloops and behind the scenes snaps. As part of the comparison snaps I like to upload, I’ve had quite a few questions lately about how I do my make up so I thought I’d do a little post to explain.
You’ll have to excuse the very DIY iPhone video, but anything more complex would have taken too long to get to you! Here’s the step by step of what I do everyday and proof that it’s super simple and doesn’t take that long! I haven’t included the specific brands I use but let me know if you have any questions.
Let me know if this was useful, or if you have any further questions!
And to all my make up artist friends, I apologise for all the technical errors that must be in this video – I tend to make things up as I go along with most things I do, so I’m sure this would make a few friends cringe!
Hey Sarah,
Just wondering what type of powder you use in your 7 minute make up video. As I have the same problem with when wearing liquid foundation, and you have similar type of skin to me :))
Stay well,