The running journey of a non-runner Preparing for Run Melbourne 21km half marathon To say that running is outside my comfort zone barely does justice to the complete meltdown I generally experience at the thought of anything over a hundred meters and faster than a...
Kemi Nekvapil // Choice, challenge and change

Kemi Nekvapil // Choice, challenge and change

Kemi Nekvapil // Choice, challenge and change This week, we welcome our first tri-citizen to the show who became an Australian citizen the day before we recorded. I always feel so lucky to have such incredible and supportive people around me and Kemi Nekvapil is one...
Natural skinnovation with Mere Skincare

Natural skinnovation with Mere Skincare

You’ve all heard me ramble on about the importance of looking after your skin and the results you can achieve with beautiful, natural skincare without added toxins, chemicals and other nasties. I love trying out new things, especially Aussie founded brands, and have...
Seize the SHEA with The Body Shop

Seize the SHEA with The Body Shop

One of my overarching goals as a businesswoman is to do business in a way that not only feeds the market with innovative and high quality products or services on a small scale, but that can also (eventually) generate a positive impact in the world on a larger scale. I...
The big three-oh and associated ramblings

The big three-oh and associated ramblings

THE PRE-30 FEELS The lead up to the big “three oh” is possibly one of the periods of your life most filled with preconceptions and societal pressures (a close second, I assume, to the arrival of your first child – one of those moments in your journey...
Stuff you need to start a podcast

Stuff you need to start a podcast

As many of you know, I spontaneously started a podcast last year called Seize the Yay as part of my own personal project to do more things that bring me joy and happiness (or, in other words, that make me “yay”). If you’ve heard any of the episodes...

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