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Quick, easy protein pasta recipe

Quick, easy protein pasta recipe

Being gluten intolerant, pasta and I haven’t always had the greatest relationship, but I’ve finally found a “Smarter Way to Pasta” with Explore Cuisine! Their range is gluten free, organic, non-GMO and vegan range PLUS it’s packed with...
Best hack ever for perfect poached eggs

Best hack ever for perfect poached eggs

So if you follow any of my social media platforms (of which there are definitely too many), you’ll know I do enjoy a good poached egg for brekky. I admittedly eat out an alarming amount because it would be RUDE not to enjoy Melbourne’s incredible foodie...
The healthy apple loaf you knead in your life

The healthy apple loaf you knead in your life

My go-to healthy gluten-free snack made with Jazz Apples     Most of you know I am a fanatical foodie whose whole day is structured around eating adventures. While I do enjoy a good cafe hop (particularly at breakfast time – no surprises there), I also...
The answer to your (gluten-free) prayers

The answer to your (gluten-free) prayers

I say I’ve been gluten intolerant since around 2012, but I’ve probably always been that way just pushing through the pain out of youthful ignorance. The timing of my flare up isn’t surprising when you understand the context of the twelve week...